Ex 20 - INTRODUCTION TO ISO14001 AND EMAS - and other EMS standards and codes
This course is a brief introduction to environmental management systems (EMSs). It consists of a number of workshops and tutorials designed to acquaint participants with the background and main issues that implementing an EMS raises. It draws on the practical experiences of professionals who have implemented EMS systems. The course can be tailored for in-house delivery, and include workshops that are relevant to a specific site.
Key Session Topics
- The various international standards - ISO 14001, Eco-Management and Audit Regulation (EMAR)
- Management of Environmental Risks
- Exploration of ISO14001 requirements
- Timescales and resources that will be required
- Documentation methods
- Training issues
- Key implementation issues
- Integration with existing systems
- Links to Corporate Governance
- A practical interpretation of the Standard that will allow you to start implementing a management system based on ISO 14001:2004.
- An understand of how IS 14001 can fit into an integrated management system, including Corporate Governance.
Who Should Attend
- Personnel wishing to learn about the background to EMSs.
- Representatives from organizations wishing to asses whether they should implement a standard such as ISO 14001, or Eco-Management and Audit systems.
Course Techniques
The course uses a series of workshops and discussion tutorials.
Consultancy assistance with attendees’ EMS implementation programmes
can be provided.